Saturday, November 24, 2007

What is Success?

Success can be defined in many ways .... just ask a few people what success means to them and you will get as many different answers. One of the definitions of success that resonates with me is this:

SUCCESS: the progressive realization of a worthy ideal

The most successful people usually didn't get where they are by happenstance. It took time and effort. It requires the act of setting goals and coming up with strategies on how to achieve those goals and overcome the obstacles. It is important to have goals, so that we are always reminded of what we want to achieve and we can measure our progress, by having a timeline and a deadline. And goal setting should encompass all areas of your life. At the Jack Canfield lecture I attended in July (which airs on PBS) he encouraged us to have goals for our finances, our career, our relationships, our health and fitness, our fun and recreation and for our own personal goals, such as learning to play a musical instrument or a foreign language. The final goal, he talked about, was our legacy; our contribution to the world. How did we want to be remembered? How did we want to contribute to the greater good?

Take some time to think about what success means to you and start writing down your goals for all the different areas of your life and commit to living the life you really want. You can have your heart's desire. Anyone who is familiar with Paulo Coelho's famous book, "The Alchemist" knows that when you really want something, the Universe conspires to help you achieve it.

For more motivation, please watch this brief movie called "The Strangest Secret" by clicking here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Upcoming Workshops with Kathleen

Are you constantly craving sweets? Would you like to know why? Better yet, would you like to gain control over your sweet tooth and manage your cravings without willpower or deprivation? Then register for one of my informative (and fun!) Sugar Solutions Workshop. With the upcoming holiday season approaching fast, why not learn some new strategies now to keep your sweet tooth at bay, while still enjoying the holiday festivities and avoiding weight gain? Space is limited, so please sign up with me today. Oh, and the best part? These workshops are FREE!

Thursday, November 15, 2007 6:00 PM

"Sugar Solutions" Workshop at Healthworks Back Bay, corner of Stuart Street & Dartmouth Street, Boston. Accessible by Green Line (Copley) and Orange Line (Back Bay Station).

Monday, December 3, 2007 6:00 PM

"Sugar Solutions" Workshop at Shape Up Personal Training Studio, 111 1/2 Inman Street, Inman Square, Cambridge. Accessible by multiple bus lines, including CT2 and 1. Approximately 15-minute walk from Central Square T. For more information regarding personal trainer extraordinaire and the founder of Shape Up Personal Training, Jess Perkins, please visit her site by clicking HERE.

Please pre-register for all workshops, by contacting Kathleen. SPACE IS LIMITED. Remember, these are free events!

If you would like me to give a workshop at your company or to your organization or group, please contact me at or 617.909.0328 ~ many topics available!

Friday, November 2, 2007

444 Days

According to my "Bush's Last Day" countdown clock (which was a gift I received from my sister back in January) there are 444 days left in Bush's presidency. For approximately 75% of Americans, this is 444 days too many. According to the most recent poll, Bush's approval rating is a mere 25%. This record low, polled in October 2007 ties with July 2007 - more results (and detailed information) can be found by CLICKING HERE.

I've never been a fan of complaining, without taking action. We can lament all we want about our government, our leaders and public policy. But, like the saying goes, unless we are part of the solution, we are part of the problem. So, if we don't like something, how can we, as citizens, change it? Are we powerless? Is the saying, "You can't fight City Hall" really true?

One of the most powerful ways to contribute as a citizen is by voting. Voting at the polls every election, of course, but also by voting with our consumer dollars. Every purchase you make can either contribute to the greater good or to the further breakdown of our economy or our society. Purchasing goods made in America using American materials, purchasing local produce cultivated by local farmers, purchasing items made by workers who are being treated fairly and being paid a living wage (whether in this country or a foreign country), purchasing products that are made without the use of toxic chemicals or harmful carcinogens and buying products that do not harm animals or the environment are just a few examples. And what about investing our money? Instead of investing in funds that we know nothing about, that typically invest in weaponry (think: war) or dangerous agricultural practices or only serve to perpetuate slavery, war and exploitation in underdeveloped nations, how about investing in some of the "green funds" that promote socially responsible and conscious investing?

And what about other ways we can contribute to society and lobby for change? How about contacting your state representatives, senators, mayor and governor about issues that you care about? Phoning and writing in is often referred to as being an "armchair lobbyist" and I am a big fan of it. When is the last time, if ever, that you contacted one of these people? Remember, they work for you. Whether you voted them into office or not, they won the election and now represent YOU. Make the most of that! Even simply writing a Letter to the Editor of any newspaper or magazine that you read can create an impact. So many people have strong opinions about various articles they read, but never think to actually respond to them in writing.

Be an active part of your community, get involved and raise awareness! One of my favorite quotes is by Margaret Mead:

"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

If you're part of the 75% of polled Americans who don't like what George Bush's administration is doing, then be sure to commit to educating yourself and others about the the candidates for the 2008 presidential election, get involved in the issues and support the campaign of the person you think can best do the job. If we don't learn from our past - and present - history, we are doomed to repeat it.

444 days and counting.............. January 20, 2009 we eagerly await you

For information about socially responsible investing, go to PAX WORLD MUTUAL FUNDS.

To learn about divestment and if your investment firm is funding the genocide in Darfur, please CLICK HERE.

For presidential candidate debates, go to YOU TUBE'S YOU CHOOSE CHANNEL.

Take action now to save Darfur

Cruelty-Free Investing