Would you like to own the book and DVD? CLICK HERE
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Attitude Check
Would you like to own the book and DVD? CLICK HERE
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Thought for Today
If you'd like to receive daily messages such as these, you can register for a free subscription at http://www.thoughtfortoday.org.uk/
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Upcoming Workshops with Kathleen
Wednesday, January 16th @ 6:00 PM
Healthworks Back Bay
441 Stuart Street, Boston
Members: Register at Healthworks front desk
Non-Members: Register with Kathleen directly
Space is limited. Workshop is free, but you must register.
Tuesday, February 5th @ 6:00 PM
Healthworks Porter Square
35 White Street, Cambridge
Space is limited. Workshop is free, but you must register.
Members only; register at front desk.
Sunday, January 27th @ 1:30 PM
"Celebrate Being" at Bedford COA Building
12 Mudge Way, Bedford
My mini-presentation is at 1:30 PM. But the event takes
place 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Cost: $8 / $4 for seniors
The COA, a department of the town of Bedford, invites the community for a day of learning, fun, and exploration in the world of alternative healing arts. You will enjoy an individual and personalized 20 minute session plus be able to participate in many other things (1st come, 1st serve). If you have been curious about alternative health but feel hesitant about where to begin or what to try, Celebrate Being is the perfect event for you. Here is a rare opportunity to sample from a smorgasbord of different kinds of energy work and healing modalities such as reiki, homeopathy, flower essences, mediumship, shamanic journeys, massage, and many more. Celebrate Being will offer a wide variety of classes, lectures, readers and healers to help warm hearts, strengthen tired immune systems and, in the heart of a New England winter, tap into deep sources of joy. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CLICK HERE
Also, in March, I will be facilitating a nutrition class at the Boston Center for Adult Education at 5 Commonwealth Avenue in Back Bay at the Gamble Mansion. Details and registration will be made available in mid-February.
Looking for another tool to help keep you organized, track your progress and keep track of your schedule, all the while with a hip and creative, funky flair? Then MAP Boston, aka the Motion Affair Planner may be just for you. This is how the creator of MAP, Morgan First, describes her beautiful, colorful and very handy calendar and planner:
Whether you just moved to Boston or you have been living here several years, its hard to successfully navigate the city, planning your daily life and making time for new adventures. Its easy to get bored with your typical routine but not know where to turn for new ideas. We created MAP to help you incorporate adventure into your everyday life. You can MAP your city, MAP you life by keeping track of your schedule right next to cool ideas of places to visit in Boston each week. All of the locations have been picked because they are local hangouts or off the beaten path. MAP BOSTON will help you explore Boston more without feeling like a tourist.
I love my planner and definitely recommend it, whether you're a new Bostonian or a native (or someone who is planning a visit to our great city!). For more info, go to HERE and HERE.

Monday, January 7, 2008
Instead of a vague idea, create a SPECIFIC goal, which is MEASURABLE (how else can you track your progress?), likely ATTAINABLE, very RELEVANT and TIME BASED (give yourself timelines and a deadline).
And what about accountability? What kind of person are you? Do you respond well to situations, such as this goal setting, in which your accountability is tracked by someone other than yourself? You could relate it to having a personal trainer, to help you reach your fitness goals. A lot of people put extra effort into their workout sessions, because they don't want to disappoint or "get in trouble" with their personal trainer. Though this approach may seem overly simplistic, it is not. Most of us are more accountable when others are counting on us. We follow through better than when we don't have to answer to anyone but ourselves. So, does it make sense to turn your support system up a notch, by finding a friend, colleague, online buddy or a coach who will hold you accountable?
Lastly, I will talk about VISUALIZATION. This is another key in achieving your dreams and most people never really do it. As I stated on January 1st, BELIEF is crucial. You must believe you can have what you want. A step beyond that is visualizing the realization of your dream. What will your life look like once you've attained this goal? How will you feel? What kind of clothes are you wearing? Where are you living? What kind of people are around you? To someone who has never done this before, it may sound silly. You may ask "What different does it make what clothes I am wearing?". What I am getting at is this; what will your life really look like? What things have been improved by you reaching your goal? Visualizing this, really seeing the possibilities that lay ahead of you, will motivate you to achieve what you want and will imprint on you the belief that you can and you will have it. And once you achieve that goal, all other goals, dreams and desires will also appear to become even more achievable to you. If you can't visualize it, you can't achieve it. So, it behooves you to believe and to visualize; really see it happening. You will begin living the life that you truly want.
When I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, as part of our graduation weekend, we had to spend one afternoon acting as if it was 5 years in the future. We had to talk as if we had already done this and that. It was a fun exercise, but beyond that, it was an important task. See, by talking as if it had already happened, we gain confidence, we believe it's possible, we have the fuel to make it happen. At the Jack Canfield lecture I attended in July, he advocates the same exercise; spend an evening talking and acting "as if". He even suggests inviting friends over and having an "as if" party. If you don't believe it works, try it. I invite you to really give it a try. Maybe one of your goals for first quarter 2008 will be to have an "as if" party and you and your friends can discuss what you've done in the past 5 years (2008 - 2012), after all, at your party, it will be 2013. I can just hear the conversations now.....
"Back in 2008, when I ran my first Boston Marathon..."
"Well, in 2009, my book was published. When it reached the top of the New York Times Bestseller List in 2010, well..."
"In 2010, when I adopted my son, he was so tiny! I can't believe he's already 3!"
"When I opened my business in 2011..."
"Since I've been promoted to CEO..."
"I've been a homeowner for a few years now...."
"That vacation to the Grand Canyon was amazing..."
Let the conversations begin!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Yes, it's 2008 already. Another year has flown by! What are my wishes for 2008? Well, my wishes, desires and goals on a daily, weekly, monthly basis are very consistent; good health, peace, balance, happiness and to live mindfully and with passion. What do you want? Sure, we all have goals and people still make resolutions every year at this time, but forget about what you "should do"...... what do you want to do? We spend much time and negative energy and worry on composing lists of what we think we should do or what others expect of us or trying to keep up with the status quo. How about spending time focusing on and pursuing what we want to do, what nurtures us, what truly brings us joy? When you pursue something with passion, you usually succeed. When you pursue something you don't truly want, typically it's a half-hearted, passionless effort, which results in, (surprise!) failure. Once again, remember what Paulo Coehlo says in "The Alchemist",
"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it."
Try not to think of resolutions, but rather, goals. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly goals. Set measurable, specific goals for yourself and check in on your progress. When you say "I resolve to eat better", how do you measure whether you're achieving that? You can't. How about saying instead "My goal is to eat 5 servings of vegetables per day" or "My goal is to have only one cup of coffee per day". You can measure your progress and your results, which in turn, will keep you on the road toward success.
As I stated earlier, my consistent wish, desire, goal is to have good health, peace, passion, balance, mindfulness and happiness. These are actually generalizations. To reach these goals, I need to break them down in to more specific measurable goals. When goal setting, you must also consider the obstacles you will encounter and how you will overcome them. Think strategy! Another must for success is support. How will you find support in helping you achieve these things? What kind of support works for you? An online support group? A likeminded friend or family member to check in with? A book or weekly podcast? Your church? A local community group that meets every Wednesday evening? A professional coach? Find the support you need to help you realize your dreams.
And remember, BELIEF is crucial. You must believe you can have what you want!
Create goals for all the various areas of your life:
- Finance
- Career
- Relationships
- Health & Fitness
- Fun & Recreation
- Personal Growth
- Contribution / Legacy
And finally, some quotes to help you maintain your motivation;
"A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline."
"Many fine things can be done in a day, if you don't always make that day tomorrow."
"If you want to have what you have not, you must do what you do not."
And from Stephen Covey:
"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
Many blessings and best wishes for a peaceful and passionate 2008! Do something that brings you joy every day. Create your future and love it!
With love,